Monday, September 23, 2019

Quick Read - Where Do You Want To Go?

Yesterday I had a conversation with my sister on the places that we wish to go. My dream has always been to have all the countries stamp in my passport. That would means plenty of money because travelling requires money!!

We can always dream and work towards the dream, yes?

Therefore, here are my top 10 places (in random order) that I wish to go:

  1. Japan
  2. Korean
  3. Taiwan
  4. Bangkok
  5. India
  6. London
  7. Hong Kong
  8. Switzerland/ New Zealand
I could easily name all the places yesterday but now that I'm typing them down, I'm stuck at the balance 3 places..

Let's try again... This time with reason why I want to go each of the places:

1) Japan
For the beautiful sceneries, the culture, to enjoy the quiet and peacefulness of the countryside.

2) Korea
I've been to Korea before for company trip but the duration wasn't enough. This time I want to explore Itaewon and Nami Island.

3) Taiwan
I've been here before too for company trip and didn't really get to explore many places.

4) Bangkok
For the food and shopping.

5) India
Because I'm so into Bollywood it would be hilarious to miss this place out. Also because I want to visit Taj Mahal, visit Being Human stores and shop a lot of shirts like those which Salman has been promoting

6) London
To take picture with the iconic red telephone box and Buckingham Palace

7) Hong Kong
For the halal dim sum and maybe some shopping

8) Switzerland
To play ski in the snow

9) Dubai
To ride this vehicle which I forgot the name in the desert and to have the stay at desert experience.

10) France/ Italy
To explore the small town

Generally, I would want to soak in the atmosphere of each places and to explore what each place has to offer 💖

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Quick Read - Do You Have Any Regrets?

Regrets. Do you have any?

I regret not joining the CCA I would have enjoyed back in secondary school.
Instead, I succumbed to peer pressure and joined volleyball which I am so bad in and didn't learn anything and quit after wasting like 1 year being in the club.

I somehow regret not appealing when I got my O level result posting even when I knew I did decently.

I regret not being more friendly and sociable then. Actually, I don't actually regret. It's more of how I wish I would have been more friendly and sociable last time. Maybe I would have more friends? But how good is that versus having small group of friends?

I regret not saving enough when I started working.

No point regretting. Life moves on. Let's be better now and in the future.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Long Read - That Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez movie titled Kick

Kick, staring Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez was released on 2014. Fast forward a few years later and in 2019 there's talks about Kick 2.

I always thought I didn't like Kick, mostly the storyline and the word "Kick" that was thrown to us the audience every few minutes until I search on twitter for my handle and hashtag kick.

Let's go back a little before we do to the actual film..

It seems like I was very involved when the poster and trailer was released:

It still is!

I most definitely remember this happened. 

Then I watched the film when it was released. Went out of the way and all the way to Yishun just to watch Kick:

I most definitely don't remember writing a blog for Kick until this one here. 
My thoughts after watching Kick:

When I really think about this film now, I think it's a decent film but it's not really a film that I would want to watch over and over again. But I still enjoy the songs and I still do get goosebumps when I see Jac's solo dance in Jumme Ki Raat.

Speaking of Jacqueline, she's like the sweetest (I might be biased). Randomly replied to her IG post and definitely did not expect a reply but here it is from the woman herself!

I think I'll end this post with this picture here. I didn't like him wearing tux and didn't like the french beard on him then. But people change with time and here I am in 2019 saying I like him in tux and the french beard he had in Kick did make him look sexy. Maybe in 2029 I'll go back to not liking them. Well who knows what can happen in the future ðŸ˜›

Quick Update - Twitter Last Time vs Now

Twitter today isn't as fun as it was last time. Probably because I'm older now and not into all the trending etc.

Sometimes I will randomly do a search of old tweets and I will find gems like these:

There won't be tweets like these anymore on my own timeline. I tweet mostly about food, mini-reviews of films I have watched, some Bollywood here and there and RTs of Salman Khan pictures.

Sometimes I feel like I have more things to say last time, more opinion to share. It's so different now. Or maybe I'm just lazier now.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Quick Update - This is still so surreal!

This is still so unreal and surreal! After all these years, I still can't believe it's finally going to be the day I get to put on the mortarboard on my head!

Just seeing this in my email makes me excited and happy and a little bit of disbelief. All the blood, sweat and tears to finally receive the scroll just makes me so happy and emotional..!

Received this bouquet from sister and brother for graduating!


Before they made new blocks, my classes have always been mostly at Block A and B where there's plenty of benches around for students to sit and just have a break. After we got shifted to the newest Block C, there was no more such luxury. I needed some quiet time before coming into class to separate work mind and school mind and I'm glad to have found a quiet corner nearby. 

Here's appreciating the quiet corner that I used to sit at while waiting to go to class:

There's plenty of changes to the surroundings as I recalled they kept adding new infrastructure. But one that I still find amusing up to this date is the bus stop roof shelter which looks like a white flipping prata 🤣