Thursday, September 12, 2019

Quick Read - Do You Have Any Regrets?

Regrets. Do you have any?

I regret not joining the CCA I would have enjoyed back in secondary school.
Instead, I succumbed to peer pressure and joined volleyball which I am so bad in and didn't learn anything and quit after wasting like 1 year being in the club.

I somehow regret not appealing when I got my O level result posting even when I knew I did decently.

I regret not being more friendly and sociable then. Actually, I don't actually regret. It's more of how I wish I would have been more friendly and sociable last time. Maybe I would have more friends? But how good is that versus having small group of friends?

I regret not saving enough when I started working.

No point regretting. Life moves on. Let's be better now and in the future.

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