Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Long Read - I don't know why but I'm feeling as if I'm in love

12.34am on a weekday. I should have been asleep by now going by how I was so sleepy earlier. Youtube-d a few songs and ended with AXL - Akulah Kekasihmu. This song is still playing in the background as I'm typing this post. Poor song has been on loop for 5 times now.

I was listening to the song and each words of it...

Itukah dia kekasih yang pernah berjanji
Memberi cinta untukmu sepenuh hati
Ia akan menyesal suatu hari nanti
Apabila ia mengetahui
Kekasihmu ini ingin kembali

Tahukah engkau ia tak sepadan denganmu
Walau beribu bisik janji ia merayu
Kekasihmu ini terlalu ingin kembali
Semenjak ia mengetahui
Kekasihmu itu membuat kau bersedih

Oh kekasihmu ini akan merasa gembira
Andai dapat bersama untuk selama-lamanya
Hanya untuk menyayangimu
Hanya untuk bercinta lagi
Andai engkau berduka
Aku yang pertama di sisi
Andai engkau bahagia
Akukan terus berdoa
Semoga suatu masa
Pintu hatimu kan terbuka
Dan kita akan kembali
Bercinta lagi

Aku akan kembali
Walau jalan berliku
Kernaku kekasihmu
Hingga ke akhir hayat

(Lyrics from:

Those words in bold left quite a deep impression on my mind and my heart and it makes me slightly emotional. Tiba-tiba aku bayangkan betapa indahnya kata-kata ini jika diucapkan sang kakasih hati. Bayangkan si dia mengatakan kepada diri ini bagaimana dia akan sanggup untuk bersusah payah untuk bersama selama-lamanya.. Kan so sweet gitu..!

I am fully aware that this full song has the meaning that the lover is still wishing to be with someone they love though the other party may have found someone else. So what I have describe in the sentence above refers to only part of the song that are in bold.

I do not know why but hearing the words over and over again it is as though I am in love. Sometimes I wonder myself why certain songs like Don't Speak, No Doubt or Someone Like You, Adele can have a deep impression on me as if I have gone through the heartbreak and all. Luckily for me I am still spared the heartbreaking experience..

I wonder when I will ever meet you....Will there ever be a chance of us meeting on the street as what I had secretly wish for. Just like a scene from a book or the film where we might just bump into each other and the next thing you know we are madly in love with one another...

Keeping the hope that one day maybe one day we might meet..