Friday, September 7, 2012

Long Read - Friday, 7 Sept 2012

Alone at the desk during lunch time. Actually, not really as there's some others who are staying in office during lunch time recently. It's the HAZE!! The haze has returned..

Anyways today's post will be a random ranting sort-of way kind of post..

Firstly let's recall the annoying moment I felt this morning while taking the train.. Simply can't understand why people has to walk right in front of your face when there's lots of space around. Even if there's limited space, there is still something called personal space! Well that happened on the train platform. On the train, this passenger had to stand real near to me till our shoulder met. What annoys me was that it wasn't peak period and she could have just stand one or two inch away from me. It annoys me everytime I take the train especially during the peak hours. Been doing it like forever but I still get annoyed when such incidents happen..

Another annoying moment which I try hard not to think about but it still bugs me is the news about Salman-Priyanka bonding at night and she was spotted leaving his residence at 5am. Well of course I love him like crazy and he may not even know it but what annoys me is not the fact that Priyanka was spotted leaving his residence at 5am. The way it was reported as if the two of them were having private party while the rest of the people were partying at ETT's director's daughter birthday party. Well as a fanatic fan of his and past reports Salman and his family does hold their own party in the space of their own home. Seeing Salman bidding goodbye to Priyanka how do they know for sure that there aren't anyone present during "this private party"? Arpita is good friend with Priyanka so why can't they speculate maybe there is indeed a private party held at his home where only people close to him were presence? Why make it sound as if the two of them were doing something bad? To make things worse, I went on to read some comments that were being written about this Salman-Priyanka spotting. I regret reading them, I really do. Things people say or rather type without having to reveal their real identity can be vicious and mean! Good thing that Salman's ETT and Dabangg2 news were more overwhelming that the 5am spotting. I just hope this 5am spotting news would just die off, FAST.