Monday, September 24, 2012

Long Read - Cinderella here still waiting for her Prince Charming

The clock struck 12 and yet I'm still not asleep.

I was supposed to write a blogpost tonight remembering my days as students in Ngee Ann Poly especially the still-strong memories of having to lug my laptop around in those days. You see we didn't have internet connection when I just started Poly. I'll remember to write about it in another post some day.

LOL. I just can't stop this obsession of mine, can I? Growing up watching Hindi films and later found him good-looking, started reading up on him, followed his news through out the years and yet, I'm still so very in love with him. I hope just one day when I finally found the person I'm meant to be with, the love will be the same as what I'm feeling for Salman Khan. The always there love..