Thursday, May 21, 2009

Quick Update - One of my Happiest Moments

The day I graduated and received my Diploma will be one of the moment that I shall cherished my whole life. Being on stage while your family witness the moment surely make me feel proud. All the sweat and tiredness throughout the three years simply were worthwhile.

Quick Update - Wish I was the owner

Each time I enter a condo unit, I wished that I was the owner. The feeling was always there. The view for some units is awesome. No wonder view is always a plus point. Who could resist fantastic view?? No one I guess..

Quick Update - Who's the IDOL?? Allen that is..!

Kris Allen became American Idol 2009.. He's the crooner.. The soul-touching man.. I love his rendition of Apologize & Heartless..

Monday, May 18, 2009

Quick Update - What You Want Ain't What You Get

Sometimes in life, you have to accept what life has already decided for you. What you want does not necessarily means you will definitely get it. Out of the 10 items that you want, you will only get 8 of them. Right now, I am feeling utterly disappointed. But instead of asking and wallowing in self-pity, I decided to embrace what has already been in store for me. After all, I may have thousands of plans but in the end, it is in His hand to decide. Perhaps, it has been decided for me to contribute to my family first before getting my hands on what I want.

Deep inside, I ask myself, WHY
I found out later
Best to leave some questions unanswered
Rather than disappoint yourself
When you learnt the truth

Seems like the linguistic side of me has started to re-surfaced after so long..
Thanks to all the books I have been reading so far..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Quick Update - Four more hours..

The moment is just four hours away.. I am beginning to feel nervous.. I can feel butterflies in my stomach.. Oh Gosh.. Is this how I am suppose to feel? I am afraid I will make mistakes.. Please make these thoughts go away.. There is mix feeling right now..Feeling nervous but at the same moment,proud that in four hours time I will be with all my friends collecting our transcripts.. We are no longer Ngee Ann students.. We will now be Graduates from Ngee Ann..

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Quick Update - Mannata - Heroes

This song is romantic in its special way. Its from the movie - Heroes starring Salman, Preity, Sohail, Bobby and Sunny Deol.

This song features only Salman and Preity

Friday, May 1, 2009

Quick Update - To choose someone older or younger than you?

As I was reading this week Star Blog on Stomp, the topic seemed very interesting. "For the gals, would you hook up with a guy 10-20 years your junior? For the guys, would you hook up with a gal 10-20 years your senior?

I agree that topic may seemed somewhat common today. Just look at Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore.

But personally, I would not want to get a guy younger than me. Females tend to mature faster than males. So if I were to find a younger guy than me, our thinking might be different. While he may be thinking of how to enjoy life, I would be thinking of how to be stable in life. See? The maturity level will differ.

Overall, you decide for yourself what type of guy is suitable for you. No matter how old or young that person is, its what inside that counts.

Quick Update - The New Thing in Town - Harper's Island

Every Sunday, 10:30pm. That is the new time slot which I try hard not to miss. This murder mystery is fantastic. It keeps you awake with all the gruesome murders and mystery happening on this fateful Island.

Each episode kills a character and you have to keep guessing who is the psycho doing all the killings.

After watching 3 episodes, I still find it hard to pinpoint a character who is to be blamed for the murders. There are many suspicious characters like JD, Hunter, Shane and The Bride's Dad.

I became more enthusiastic about this show after reading the Forum on After reading, I guess my finger is now pointing to The Sheriff. Perhaps, he's the killer and not Wakefield? Or maybe, Abby is the prime Killer. Who knows? She might have somekind of split personality or something. Keep watching it on Channel 5!

Long Read - Classic Black Shoes and A crisp White Shirt

14th May 2009. This shall be a day that I shall remember for the rest of my life. After enduring 3 years of fun and sweat, finally I will be given my Diploma and my transcript.

3 years = 6 academic semester x 6 modules per semester = 36 modules (Approximately)

The 1st semester was somewhat a shock to me. I suffered culture shock to the new environment. On top of that I have forgotten the beauty of memorising notes. I was trying to adopt a new studying method which is to understand and not memorise. But I guess the brain have been programmed to understand while memorising. This is all thanks to the History, Social Studies and Food & Nutrition subject back in secondary School. Back then, we have to train our memory to remember the exact phrase or sentence to enable us to give beautiful answer to exam questions. So fast forward to Year 1 in Ngee Ann. I lose the power to memorise and hence my grades were disappointing. Till this very moment, I regret not pushing myself much. If only I have remembered the memorising techniques, my Overall 3 years GPA would be much better.

Looking at the bright side, the Grades are not really that bad. Besides gaining knowledge and education, I gained a few good friends whom I shall treasure. The lecturers are great and have been of great help to me. I shall always remember what it feels like to be sitting in a lecture theatre taking notes, discussing issues in tutorials, hanging out at the Dolphin Area, enjoying my plate of wanton noodle at Canteen 5 (this canteen has since been changed to a new air-conditioned canteen) etc.

Logically speaking, life is not always a bed of roses. There will surely be some thorns lying amidst the glorious roses. There are moments where I felt frustrated and angry. There will definitely be someone somewhere who cannot get along with you because both have different goals in life. Because of this, the very person whom you know has now become a complete stranger. It is sad when such things happen. But you know you have to be firm when the time comes. Let it all be and you will then find yourself forever completing the tasks and having to share the rewards later on. This might sound complicated to those who have zero understanding of the issue.

Looking forward to 14th May, I need to start looking for a crisp white shirt and a black shoes. Why? I need to look smart on that special day with the Graduation Attire.

I have always had a problem whenever I need new shoes or clothes. I think this is all because I am a size bigger than the average Singapore girls? I don't know.

Whenever I am in love with a shoe that capture my attention, I would only be disappointed by the salesperson. "Sorry, we only have up to size 7". "Sorry that's the biggest size we have". I often have to hear these when I am in a shoe shop. You might be wondering what big feet I have. I am Size 10. With such large feets
(Girls are supposed to have smaller feets I think,preferably size 7) it is a chore finding shoes.

That goes the same for buying new clothes. Be it skirt, pants, blouse. Sometimes I wish I was stick-thin. It will be much easier for me to fit into the clothes. There are shops that cater to my size but I find the price too ridiculous for a piece of clothing.

Maybe I should try tying my feet to make the bones smaller..? Or perhaps I have to lose more weight..?

Long Read - Hugh Jackman - X-Men Origins - Wolverine

The town is buzzing with news about the latest X-Men installment, X-Men Origins, Wolverine.. I have to admit that among all the mutants, I especially like Logan or otherwise known as Wolverine. Despite his violent persona, I found him more attractive than the gentler mutant, Cyclops.

From a recent news article I have read, it was said that women now prefer guys who are gruffy like Hugh Jackman rather than Leonardo.

Personally, I prefer guys who have more manly charm (based on first appearance excluding his inner charm). To justify my point, let's just say these guys provide a kind of support that you wouldn't get from those with pretty face. No offence here.. I am only saying this based on what I feel. Hence, my words here reflect my personal preference without any intention to criticise all the good-looking guy out there..

However, it is not always advisable to be attracted to guys based on how he looks. Afterall, there's a saying which says "Don't judge a book by its cover".