Friday, May 1, 2009

Quick Update - The New Thing in Town - Harper's Island

Every Sunday, 10:30pm. That is the new time slot which I try hard not to miss. This murder mystery is fantastic. It keeps you awake with all the gruesome murders and mystery happening on this fateful Island.

Each episode kills a character and you have to keep guessing who is the psycho doing all the killings.

After watching 3 episodes, I still find it hard to pinpoint a character who is to be blamed for the murders. There are many suspicious characters like JD, Hunter, Shane and The Bride's Dad.

I became more enthusiastic about this show after reading the Forum on After reading, I guess my finger is now pointing to The Sheriff. Perhaps, he's the killer and not Wakefield? Or maybe, Abby is the prime Killer. Who knows? She might have somekind of split personality or something. Keep watching it on Channel 5!

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