Monday, May 18, 2009

Quick Update - What You Want Ain't What You Get

Sometimes in life, you have to accept what life has already decided for you. What you want does not necessarily means you will definitely get it. Out of the 10 items that you want, you will only get 8 of them. Right now, I am feeling utterly disappointed. But instead of asking and wallowing in self-pity, I decided to embrace what has already been in store for me. After all, I may have thousands of plans but in the end, it is in His hand to decide. Perhaps, it has been decided for me to contribute to my family first before getting my hands on what I want.

Deep inside, I ask myself, WHY
I found out later
Best to leave some questions unanswered
Rather than disappoint yourself
When you learnt the truth

Seems like the linguistic side of me has started to re-surfaced after so long..
Thanks to all the books I have been reading so far..

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