Friday, May 1, 2009

Long Read - Hugh Jackman - X-Men Origins - Wolverine

The town is buzzing with news about the latest X-Men installment, X-Men Origins, Wolverine.. I have to admit that among all the mutants, I especially like Logan or otherwise known as Wolverine. Despite his violent persona, I found him more attractive than the gentler mutant, Cyclops.

From a recent news article I have read, it was said that women now prefer guys who are gruffy like Hugh Jackman rather than Leonardo.

Personally, I prefer guys who have more manly charm (based on first appearance excluding his inner charm). To justify my point, let's just say these guys provide a kind of support that you wouldn't get from those with pretty face. No offence here.. I am only saying this based on what I feel. Hence, my words here reflect my personal preference without any intention to criticise all the good-looking guy out there..

However, it is not always advisable to be attracted to guys based on how he looks. Afterall, there's a saying which says "Don't judge a book by its cover".

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