Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Long Read - Arranged Marriage, Love Marriage.. Or Both?

The title of this post sounds like a good book title, doesn't it? I've always dreamt of writing my own books, specifically novels. But it has never materialise. I did try writing but it always hang on the first sentence, that's it. No continuation, don't know how to develop the story. In conclusion, I think I just lack the energy to write and think.

Coming back to the title post of this blog, yeah so love marriage, arranged marriage or both? Definitely most of us would prefer a love marriage, marrying someone whom we have known and fallen in love with.

Not sure if arranged marriage happens only in certain communities.. I am a Bollywood lover so somehow my idea of romance is influenced by the love stories I grew up watching. Nevertheless, I am standing on reality ground so I know if what I am being presented actually happens or if it is all made-up to create one nice lovely love story. There is this particular film Chori Chori Chupke Chupke (my most handsome man, Salman Khan plays the main character) in which the two main characters, Raj Malhotra (Salman Khan) and Priya (Rani Mukherjee) after meeting each other at a wedding, met again after their families arranged for each other to meet. As Raj already has feelings for Priya when he first saw her at the wedding, agrees to marry Priya who share the same feelings. Therefore, their marriage seems like a love and arranged marriage to me.

Actually, it is hard to say if one will have a long-lasting marriage be it a love or arranged. Some movies show individuals refusing to the arranged marriage, choosing love that they had chose themselves. Others who go through arranged marriage will suffer in their marriage etc etc. It will be unfair to justify what I said to what is being depicted in the movies. They are afterall entertainment and are of fictional characters. But then again, some of these so-called fictional characters might sometimes be inspired by actual non-fiction person(s).

Anyways, since we are on the topic of love, I can't resist myself from writing about this one man I am totally in love with and for so long.. None other than Mr Khan, Salman Khan! Haha! I'm gonna read this post in like 5 years time and hopefully my love for him will still be strong just like how it is now. I like and love him so very much. Yeah our love is near to impossible but there is nothing wrong in liking someone like him right? Afterall he is an actor and a very handsome and talented actor at that (I might be biased and praised him but who cares!) Was watching the song from Main Aur Mrs Khanna earlier and I just could not stop gushing smiling to myself the whole time the song was playing. He is so handsome I can't stop saying so!! I do sometimes lookup guys on the street but so far there isn't one that can come across as handsome as him. Like the beanie he is wearing in this picture. Some guys wear them but they look kinda weird or trying to hard.. Salman can be wearing formal, informal, casual but he just looks handsome in all. Yeah, at times he does not look good.. Like this Main Aur Mrs Khanna, most of the time he looks sick to me.. So in my loving him, I do not love him blindly. There are times I wish he could be better etc. He is my eternal Prem.. Hehehe

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