Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Quick Update - I knew there was something but I forgot what it was

Before coming here, there were many ideas and different stories in my mind that I just had to pen down. But the moment I actually comes into the composing box, BOOM! Nothing came into the mind and I struggle to recall what it was that I had wanted to write.

Is this what is called writer's block or mindfreeze? It always happen to me that sometimes I would be on the verge to write notes on the topics that I want to write and explore. But, I wanted it to be an impromtu writing session where my fingers kept on typing away and the writing goes on and on automatically. So, I had to forgo the notes-reminder.

I always feel that I have a thing for writing and reading. I love these two but it will all depends on the genre and style of writing.

Writing gives me the power to share what I have been thinking about and whenever I like it, I can always open back the chapters that I've written to revisit my thoughts. Just like this blog.

I've always like reading that most of the time, I try to read anything that is around me.

Guess all the love for writing and reading is thanks to my parent's exposing me to books/newpapers since I was young. Sometimes, I just don't get it when people say they hate reading books. Academic I can relate as even I dread opening my math books. But novels? Who doesn't love reading a romantic novel, imagining yourself as the main characters in the novel falling in love, overcoming the obstacles etc etc etc..

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