Thursday, May 6, 2021

Quick Read - The Hopeless Romantic

 I am the hopeless romantic. I held on things and hold them dear to my heart. One of the reasons why I can't bring myself to delete photos that I had taken in the past. Each photo to me has a little story and memory attached. And so we get this post to look back in time and enjoy the scenic views.

Somewhere in Taiwan

Also somewhere in Taiwan

Jiufen, Taiwan

Can't remember if this was in Taiwan or Korea

Far Far Away Palace (Shrek) - Universal Studio Singapore
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could visit a real castle and have a tour inside the castle!

Club Med Bali
I'm still bitter that I didn't get to check out the beach because of some creepy people that scare us away from going near the beach. 

Jurong Lake Garden



Quick Read - The Sea

I love looking out to the sea. But I hate getting sand on my feet. 
Also, I can't swim. 

All photos were taken in Singapore. 

Quick Read - Pretty Blooms & Some Random Thoughts

When your mind is on super drive mode and there’s just plenty of random thoughts:

Like how my legs are always in pain on days when I’m heading to office.

And how not being able to remember my office building is a sign that my heart is not where it is. In one of my previous workplace, I can’t even memorise my DID even though I was there for 1+year.

How I envision that I’ll stop working when I’m around 55 years old. If I’m really going for this, it means I’ll be working for the next 20 years. Also, how much savings/money do I need if I really want to have a comfortable life without having to work hard by then.

If I meet any of my favourite celebrities, all I want to do is tell them I am their fan, have a friendly hug and ask to take photo together.


Quick Read - Without context

Singapore's landscape is always changing. It is tough to have the same place looking the same after 5, 10 years down the road. Just saving these here for memory purpose. 


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Quick Read - Appreciating my love for the blue sky


Nothing much except just feast your eyes on the blue blue sky which is very relaxing to me.

Quick Read - Up High In The Sky

I used to have height phobia when I was much younger. I would choose to walk up and down the steps from level 1 to level 8 instead of taking the lifts which is readily available. That was how bad I fear the height and also getting stuck in the lift. 

Move forward a couple of years later and I started work where my nature of work requires me to go to client's house which can be as low as level 1 (landed housing) or as high as level 60!

Obviously I had to put aside my fear and take the lift up. Ever since then, slowly I became fascinated to see the sceneries from up high and I enjoy looking at the surrounding from the elevated position where you get nice, pretty sights like these:


The highest I've been which I think I will never get tired of looking at the clouds from this position: