Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Quick Read - Up High In The Sky

I used to have height phobia when I was much younger. I would choose to walk up and down the steps from level 1 to level 8 instead of taking the lifts which is readily available. That was how bad I fear the height and also getting stuck in the lift. 

Move forward a couple of years later and I started work where my nature of work requires me to go to client's house which can be as low as level 1 (landed housing) or as high as level 60!

Obviously I had to put aside my fear and take the lift up. Ever since then, slowly I became fascinated to see the sceneries from up high and I enjoy looking at the surrounding from the elevated position where you get nice, pretty sights like these:


The highest I've been which I think I will never get tired of looking at the clouds from this position:


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