Thursday, November 29, 2018

Long Read - FOMO

According to Urban Dictionary, FOMO means Fear Of Missing Out. 

I think I just properly learned this term and it's meaning a few nights ago while watching Karan Johar share his fear of missing out during an episode on BFFs With Vogue.

I have recently started to catch-up on plenty of entertainment shows which I have been seeing on my social media feeds months ago. It was only recently I think I feel like I have the time to spare to watch all these shows.

While watching, I usually have in mind plenty of things that I would want to write for each episode on my twitter account. I just want to record these thoughts and keep track of what I have been watching. Sometimes I feel like I just fear missing out or forgetting what I have watched.

It isn't just for shows. I felt the same for films, for drama serials and for books too.

Last time I used to write summary and review of every novel that I have read. It became like a hobby/obsession that I remember I wrote plenty of them which amounts to about 2 books-full.
I remember painstakingly writing summary and review of each book after I have finished them. Sometimes when I read what I wrote, I would be impressed with myself for writing well 😝

It's such a waste all those writings are all gone now thanks to the mass cleaning required at home not long ago. I don't think I will be able to re-create those honest book summary and reviews anymore. There is just not enough time nowadays.

Somehow poly education started and I seldom have the luxury to read as much as I would have love to and writing became boring. Boring mainly because I would no longer write passionately as I used to. I also started questioning why I spent so much of my time doing all these writing and for whom.

Thanks to twitter, I now write short description or feelings after reading any particular novel just so I remember what I had read. Then it went on to malay drama serials which I was hooked to not long ago and even went on to write blog posts about them:

I love reading blogs related to Bollywood/Hindi films. While reading them, sometimes I wonder and am just surprised why I did not have filmography of sorts on all the films I have watched! Especially Bollywood/Hindi films as I think I might have watched quite a number to be able to create a healthy long list of films that I have watched!

There seems to be a lot of emotions going on while I'm typing this post. It is so evident by the jumbled contents in this post. 

I have to learn to let go a little! Hanging to memories of books, what I read and watch can be very tiring sometimes. 

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