Thursday, September 6, 2018

Long Read - I left a little of my heart in South Korea

Was checking my blog posts and I noticed I had only 1 post in 2017 and 5 posts alone for August 2018!

Browsing through my phones, a folder titled Korea will always stand out among all the folders I have. Honestly I've been lucky I guess that the previous workplace brought our team and I for overseas trip as part of the yearly incentive. During my time there, I got to go to Taiwan, Beijing and the final trip to Korea. You've got to count your blessings and here's one though it was a bittersweet memory remembering the reason I'm no longer there.

Anyways, let's chuck those bittersweet memories for now and revisit the pleasant memories while in Korea..

First stop was to this strawberry farm. Surrounding area was nice and there were some tall trees around which gave the impression of being in some mystical jungle.

While overseas, I find myself attracted to keep looking at the mountains. Probably because we don't have one here in SG!



Strawberry picking time! We were taught how to pick them strawberries and were allowed to pick as many as we could within the given timeframe. I pluck some juicy, sweet strawberries but it was such a waste that we did not consume them and had to throw the fruits on our last day 😟

Our hotel was located nearby Myeondong, a shopping area which in my opinion has too many cosmetics shops! Rows after rows of cosmetics shops selling what else, cosmetics and masks and I get tired after visiting a few shops as I'm not much of a beauty-producty person.

Besides cosmetics and beauty-product related shops, there are cute cafes here and there including The Line Friends Store & Cafe!


Plenty of push-carts selling food and spotted some Halal ones too!

 The simple yet very nice egg bun! I don't take egg yolk when it's not mixed with white and was apprehensive to try the bun initially. Luckily Nisa was there to help me with the yolk 😋

One of the itinerary set by the department was to put on the traditional wear: Hanbok and walk around Gyeongbokgung Palace.  

Most of the time it was free and easy and we went exploring other places.. 
Mainly to shop till we drop!

We went to Common Ground. A cool concept shopping area made from containers that are stacked up. Looks very cool especially since it's in my favourite colour!

We also went to another shopping district - Hongdae.

The shopping street looks so pretty with all the colours from the banners.
The Train Map which is so much confusing and conplicated than the one we had back home.
A view captured while inside the train.

Night view in Dongdamun.

While in Korea, we took trains to go to the various places. I will never forget that night we had mini adventure at the train station. We went out shopping and return quite late and panic that we will miss the last train as it was midnight so we ran to catch the train but turns out it was not the last train! 

Some of the snacks we bought from Lotte on the last day.

While at the Korea Airport
I end this post with some pretty in-flight pictures of the sky on our way home. Gimme window seat next time we go travelling! Oh, I would definitely LOVE to return to Korea again next time!

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