Sunday, November 10, 2013

Long Read - Love You Mr Arrogant

Firstly, I think I need to give some credits to the recent drama that I was obsessed, Sebenarnya Dia Isteri Dia (SSID).

Why? Because I'm now kind of hooked to watching drama and reading novels back because of SSID. Not any kind of drama but drama that is being adapted based from a novel.

Googling SSID and the actors/actresses, I came across Love You Mr Arrogant (LYMA). That brother in SSID that was bad and became good, Azlee Khairi is the main actor of LYMA. I thought this looked good and gave it a try. And I never regretted it.

Similar storyline with SSID, LYMA revolves around Mr Arrogant, Irham and Zara the girl he met and forced to marry him. And so the episodes of love after marriage starts, with the mother-in-law hating on Zara, possessive ex-girlfriend, best friends, bromance and that makes one good drama to watch. It's more sad and has a mature feeling to it compared to SSID. I believe it's because in SSID it involves a 21 years old guy marrying a 25 years old lady while in LYMA the guy is hinted to be older than the wife though it was never stated clearly (not that I remember any of the episode mentioning Irham's age).

As I was catching up with the episodes, I realised it was being played concurrently on TV3 Malaysia. The drama has recently ended (happy ending yay!) and from the review tweets I've been reading, LYMA is one huge success!! Congrats!!

Some pointers/recollections from Love You Mr Arrogant from my point of view:

- I really really Love You Mr Arrogant! Hehehe!! Azlee Khairi reminds me so much of Remy Ishak and sometimes Rusdy Ramli. Read about him yesterday and no they are not related at all.

- Zara, her patience is amazing. I doubt I can be that calm and filial if I was to be in her shoes. Even after all the eveil doing from people who hates her for no reason, she kept quiet and doesn't retaliate. Stupid you might say and I would say the same too. But one particular scene and dialogue said made me rethink her character. What she said is, "Saya dibesarkan untuk kenal halal haram."

- Hadry. Irham's cousin & best friend. You can sense there's competition between the two of them but somehow they always turn to each other for help. Bromance!! Hadry in real life is Keith Foo, Malaysian actor who acted in several Sinetron before. Ooh and his new drama is The Wedding Breaker & Singapore's Hisyam Hamid is also in that drama. The new drama I will be watching & I wanna find that novel in the library soon!

To summarise, Love You Mr Arrogant is an all rounder drama that has now entered into the list of drama I love & don't mind to watch over and over again. Nur Kasih & Sebenarnya Saya Isteri Dia are also in the list by the way :)

Next drama I want to watch will be Jodoh Itu Milik Kita. Let's see if I will be hooked to this drama like I was to SSID and LYMA.