Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Long Read - If a picture paints a thousand words, many pictures paint a memory?

Thanks to smartphone, we are able to snap numerous numbers of pictures without worrying the roll finishing. Thanks to smartphone as well, we have too many pictures saved in our phone's gallery. I have a problem. I always find it a problem deleting chunks of pictures from my phone's gallery. I think I might be a photo hoarder 😕

Anyways, this post is not to discuss about hoarding pictures in our phone memory or SIM card.

While I find it hard to delete pictures from my phone, sometimes I feel restless seeing too many pictures in my gallery.

Therefore, here are some pictures from various venues/location/event which do not make it to my social media but are pretty enough and would be such a waste to be deleted without being posted somewhere.

Sakura Blossoms @ Gardens By The Bay, 2017

A little backstory. I think dad or mom had always talked about wanting to see the tulips exhibition. Somehow we always miss it. So when we saw there is Sakura exhibition, we went for it to make up for missing the tulips. Different flowers but still the same floral family! The surprise flower at the end of the visit was not the sakura was not as blossoming as I was expecting it but the somewhat illuminating purple flower (last picture on the right below)! They seemed to be glowing in the dark!

Christmas Wonderland @ Gardens By The Bay, 2017

This used to be a free entry event but became chargeable just recently. Each year we would expect similar lighted up venue sprinkled with Christmas songs yet we just would want to go and visit the Wonderland. Why? Probably to soak in the festive atmosphere. To take nice instagram-worthy pictures. Or perhaps to have a chance to play with the man-made snow! 

There are some rides too but chargeable as well. Once, I was so looking forward to take this particular ride only to find out it's actually more suited for young children 😅


The carousel roundabout or merry-go-round as I used to call it when I was younger which somehow seems so magical in the distant. It gave me somekind of Disney fairytale vibes when I first saw it at the Wonderland and now the picture is still giving me the same vibe. 

Not Wonderland related but this is the view you would see before reaching to Wonderland. Singapore lighted up at night. Very much like a Wonderland if you ask me. 

Geylang Serai, 2018

Not much need to be said about this. Each year comes Ramadan, Geylang Serai will be showered with lights and decorations to welcome Hari Raya. And each year I will be mesmerised by the lights and will attempt to take the most perfect pictures. 

Gardens By The Bay - Surrounding Area

Can't remember when these were taken but it's nice. Plus it's difficult for any one place in Singapore to remain as it is and look the same in 10, 20, 30 years on so let this be a form of memories of how it looks like at present. 


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