Friday, August 17, 2018

Long Read - That Time We Went Staycation

The year 2016. We wanted to go holiday as a family as it has been too long since we went as a family. There was some limitations and suddenly we were looking at holidaying in our own country instead. Staycation! It will feel like being on a holiday as well if we choose the correct location. After much researching, not much honestly as we already had in mind the location we wanted to go. Finally we made the decision and here are some photo memories of the place we stayed over the weekend.

We went year end thus explains the Christmas decoration. Very festive feeling!


As someone who loves old buildings (mainly because they make such good photo), I really marvelled at the building each time we walked past the corridor. 

The iconic Merlion! The hotel is very near to the tourist attraction but sadly our room view was not facing the Merlion :(

No prize for guessing for who the above bed arrangement are.


Night time view. There really was not many people around. Either we missed them or they missed us. we only saw the crowds in the pool during evening and after 9/10am on Sunday. 

Speaking about the pool, I still remember mom being cute. We asked her the night before to join us in the pool early in the morning next day. She told us she rather stay in the room to enjoy the quiet and peace and asked the 3 of us to go and enjoy ourselves. Can't remember how we managed to convince her to come down and joined us and after much persuasion she joined us in the pool. As the crowd has not started, we had the entire pool to ourselves. Basically pool party baby! Obviously mom would enjoy and I think she said she would have joined us earlier if she knew it would be so much fun! Hahaha 


 The Merlion decorated with party hat.

The End! Till we meet you again Le Meridien!

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