Thursday, June 21, 2018

Quick Update - When dreams (or vision) do come true..

While at work and doing my usual routine, I realised what I am actually doing was what I had dreamt of or envisioned once upon a time ago.

When I was young, I used to think how do someone actually work in an office setting. I would not just think of it but would actually have many questions which no one has answer to my questions. Not because they do not know how to answer but because I was questioning myself and trying to come up with very good answers to my questions. Obviously I would not get any specific answers as I was then just a young girl, probably was in primary school thus I would not exactly know how the real world functions yet.

When I was much younger, I followed my parents to HDB Hub when they did the sell/buy transaction of the HDB flat. They told me how I was fascinated with this computer-like machine and pretended to be one of the HDB officers, jotting down notes etc. Apparently, I even told them I wanted to work in HDB where the officers "sit inside the office and people will come to them".  I realised slowly that now I am working in a property-related sector.

I guess most of us children would also have similar ambition to be either doctor, policeman or teacher. At one point of time, I also had the ambition to be a teacher. Slowly the ambition dies off naturally as I know my patience dries off easily. I was never really a good tutor for my brother and sister especially when they were younger as I am easily frustrated when they take long to understand any concepts that I am sharing with them. It was during those time that I told myself I would never be a teacher. Nevertheless, I am also fascinated each time any teacher prepare their teaching materials especially when they flipped stack of papers before distributing to students. Yes! Simple things like that could excite me. Now that I am working in an office setting, sometimes I would need to do mass printing and it is during time like this that I get to fulfill the feeling of teacher "flipping those papers and distributing them out". Only difference is I am distributing to my fellow colleagues instead of students.

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