Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Long Read - Let Them Go

Letting go of something, especially one that is so dear and close to your heart is never easy.

That was exactly how I felt letting go of these prized possessions. You would definitely know why. Just look at all the handsome faces! Gosh I felt so sad to finally have to let them go :(

Growing up, I used to buy magazines randomly. But as the years pass I would buy selectively, that is only when Salman Khan is featured on the cover. Bias much. I know. Fangirl for life!
  Love all the covers but my favourite got to be the left one below. 
Honestly I do not know why I was always rushing to get the magazine each time I know Salman is on the cover. The content and write-up in the magazines on him are mostly things that I already know or would eventually know since I am on Twitter following multi Salman fanclub accounts.

During a recent major cleaning up, we had to dispose old books and papers and stuff which cannot be kept anymore. In the midst of all the clutter were these magazines. As there is no space to keep them and realising I would have to be separated from them one day, I decided on impulse to throw all of them away. My younger self would have taken the time to tear all the covers from the magazine and keep them in her organizer.  

Some time later, I asked my sister and brother if they saw this black file which I have kept since I was 13 years old. There are some old pictures, random memos and A4 sized pictures of selected Bollywood artists which I kept in the file. Of course one of it is Salman's picture. According to my brother, I said to just throw it away. I must have acted on impulse again as I did not remember about the file at all during that moment. The file and its contents which has been painstakenly created since I was 13 years old is all gone in one brief moment!

Though I was upset and sad, there is no way to retrieve the file and its content back. I realised it was time to let go. Though the physical material is no longer with me, the memories will always remain.

So along with the magazines above which is now only left with pictures of them, my file containing memories since I was a teenager is now no longer with me. Sometimes, it seems as if I am letting go of my youth. Ok I think I better stop. This feel so melodramatic.

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