Saturday, July 14, 2012

Long Read - I miss being a student!

Well.. How do I start this post..

Let's start by recalling what I have been doing for the past few minutes or hours..
We came back from Jurong Point, turned on youtube and listen to old Malay songs.
From melodramatic songs, we decided to listen to Slam songs. Lagu rock lama beb! Jiwang..! Hahaha

So I was listening to songs on youtube, had facebook and twitter opened on my tabs and itchily my fingers start to open our computer pictures. Browse through the pictures, saw few pictures where I look good and some not, I chanced upon a folder titled Random.

Open the folder and obviously random shots and pictures of little items here and there and then I saw this pictures..

Suddenly I miss my days back as a student, lugging those heavy books in my bags, studying, revising for exams and yes, I suddenly miss school!

It's been hmm.. like 3 years since I left poly but sometimes I will always miss the atmosphere of being in a school and being a student.

When we were in school, our teachers used to say how much we will miss school once we grow up and that being a student is the most memorable time of one's life.

How I agree with them on this.. I sincerely really miss being a student. No matter how stress you are, it's only the stress of having to perform for an assignment or tests or exams. You are answerable to yourself and your parents for your marks and no one else. How different it is now being an employee. You have to be answerable to your colleagues, employers, clients and all!

I think no matter how old I will be and no matter how much I might have achieved in life later, part of me will always remember the fun part of being a student.

P.s. I will always love this guy too (Nak jugak. Hehehe)