Saturday, June 2, 2012

Long Read - Ms Ahjumma

I can't believe I am into Korean drama but I like this one.

It's about this housewife, Geum Hwa who is happy being a wife and mother that she neglected her looks. Her husband then divorced her to marry Sae Mi, a cunning and slick woman who is out to ruin Geum Hwa's life. Starting out as a fat and unhappy just-divorced woman, Geum Hwa entered into a bootcamp after being persuaded by her daughter. She returns as a new person, a confident good-looking woman who wants to strive for the better for herself and her daughter.

Geum Hwa then joins an advertising company who is a rival to her ex-husband advertising company. Her boss who is a cold person showing very little or no emotion at all started to change without him realising after Geum Hwa joins his company. Her words, her attitude to life started to change him and he then realised there's more to life and has a feeling for her. Problem is he's a married man and Geum Hwa cannot stand man who divorce or leave one's wife for another woman. She has been through it all and she can understand how women feels when that happen to them.

The drama is currently on-going so we'll keep watching it. Unlike other dramas, Ms Ahjumma moves from one episode to the next fast. Also, I enjoy watching how Geum Hwa ex-husband gets all jealous seeing her in the company of another man, her boss. Though the story touches on a heavy subject, the way it is being potrayed is light-hearted and enjoyable so that's why I like it!

Oh by the way, I am not into Korean songs, boybands etc etc. I am still a true Bollywood fan!!