Saturday, June 2, 2012

Long Read - I am one of the Fringies. Are you?

Fringe!!!! I am crazy about this serials. First some background on how I became hooked to it.

I was into Supernatural and had borrowed my colleague's dvd. This colleague of mine then recommended that I give this new serials he had watched a try. He described it as being a science-fiction genre serials and is interesting and intriguing. At hearing the word sci-fi, I politely refused as I don't have a liking to anything that belongs to that particular genre.

See, until now I still don't get what Star Trek or Star Wars are all about. Even Keanu Reeves in Matrix could not attract my attention at all.

He was quite persistent that I give one episode a try and if I don't like it, I can return Fringe to him. So I hesitantly watch Fringe and was totally lost. All this sci-fi is not my cup of tea and so I had difficulty understanding the whole storyline.

I don't know why I did not just stop episode one halfway but continued watching it to episode 2, to the next few episodes and before long, I got hooked to Fringe!

I guess the elements of jointing all the clues and trying to figure what Fringe is all about kept me glued to the serials. I love CSI-Miami so I guess that's why I could manage Fringe.

So what is this Fringe all about. It's about how our world is actually not just our world. That there is an alternate world next to ours where there is another us over there. Not exactly the same us, as that would make the two of us twins but another us who has their own identity but somehow we have that common feature as us in this world. Confusing much right..

The main cast are Agent Olivia Dunham, Walter Bishop, Agent Broyles, Agent Astrid and Peter Bishop, my favourite guy in Fringe!!

Olivia Dunham

Walter Bishop

Agent Astrid

Agent Broyles

Peter Bishop

What I love most about this serials is they get your mind to try to work out the answers as to what is happening behind all the mysterious incidents that have occured or is occuring.

We're into season 4 of Fringe now.

(As I was typing away, I get somekind of dejavu that I have dedicated a post on Fringe before)