Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Quick Update - Changes in my life..

In every phase of your life, you will surely experienced some kind of changes here and there.. These changes may be positive and may be negative depending on how you want to see it.. Its just the same as the glass of water theory.. You may choose to see it as half full and yet you can also see it as half empty.. In this entry, I just wanna be reminded of some major changes that have happen to me throughout my adolescent age.. These changes may not be a life-changing type but it surely have made an impact in my life.. Changes that I deem as major is when I change from a young girl to be an adult.. In my years as a girl, all I was concerned was to score in exams, have fun and let the days pass by.. But now as an adult, I am thinking way ahead and without realising it, I am planning my life... I plan my life so that I am living a full life, I plan so that I could utilise my time and generate productive work.. Planning may seem a chore last time.. I remembered creating a time-table back when I was in primary school.. Seeing how my teaches keep telling and showing us how it will help with our learning, I created one.. But it was all wasted.. I could not follow it and I found it ridiculous to be so structured... But now when working, I find that it really is useful to have such organiser.. There.. As I grow up, my mind thinks better and changes happen.. On a lighter side, I found my taste buds changing too.. If last time I could eat with only chicken or fish soup, now I want some Sambal Belacan to go with it... Foods that I dislike then becomes a craving now.. These changes to me are ways to remind me that I am not staying the way I am forever.. These changes remind me that time passes and therefore I have to change in order to be a better person in life..

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