Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quick Update - Never-slowing time

It will be 1 month since I last entered any post here.. Been trying to post but never seem to find the time.. 24 hours seem so short nowadays.. When I am here, the mind will stop thinking, refusing my right to pour my inner thoughts.. But when I am occupied with other things, the mind will generate generous feelings and thoughts that could easily become more than one entry here.. It is confusing sometimes.. You might be thinking why the time is so slow and the next thing you realised, the time is already ahead of you.. To keep track of time is a mission impossible but we still have to make it possible.. Here enters the beauty of Time Management.. As I often heard, "The time will never slow down for you. You have to keep pace with the Time" I think I will have to start catching the time before it zooms right past me..

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