Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Quick Update - 2 of my friends flying off.. Soon..

Come Monday, 2 of my friends will be leaving Singapore.. One is leaving to pursue an education while the other for career.. One is my best friend in poly whom was by my side throughout the 3 years in campus.. One thing that I shall remember about her is her craziness for Japanese food and Korean dramas.. I met the other person during my attachment programme.. Initially I don't really like his character but after some time, I find him to be a great mentor.. Although both will be faraway, we will still be keeping in touch.. "Globalisation".. That's the word.. As my lecturer told us, the world now becomes connected because of the infrastructure.. With the emails, MSN, etc there will always be a way to stay in touch.. Saying this reminded me of an advert I saw on Suria..It shows this Grandad showing how he cradles his children, grandchildren and then great grandchild.. From physically cradling them he then cradles a laptopshowing the video-conferencing of his great grandchild.. World now is truly connected..

Update in 2019: I really don't know who the other friend who left for career is..

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