Sunday, November 2, 2008

Long Read - Never thought of it..

Some things about me.. I'm now in my attachment programme.. I'l be having it for abot 6 months and right now, two full months have past by.. Its amazing how time flies without us realising.. Sometimes, you just wish that time would past by quickly.. But, without you actually realising, the time whizzes past you and when you look back, you'l wonder when all the precious time has gone to..

I never thought I would be working at these places.. For now, i've been working in Singapore's two prime areas.. One known as the Prime Commercial Area..

The other is the well-known shopping belt of Singapore.. Whenever I'm walking to my workplace, I'l wonder if its actually a dream... I never once thought of myself walking together with all the people in these areas heading to our individual workplace..I never imagine myself in these places.. At times, I actually feel proud to be able to work here..

Perhaps twenty years from now, I can look back and say,"I've been in that place before.. I've actually work there before"

Credits for the pictures:

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