Monday, November 17, 2008

Long Read - Finally..

After several tiring editings and stuffs, i completed my report due for submission last friday.. I thought I would never make it as I was still at scratch last Monday..

Now, I've learnt 2 important things from there.. 1)Organization 2)Discipline
What do I mean by that??

Organization.. I realise I have to be organized right at the beginning so that I know what I have to write.. Without this factor, I would never know what to write and where to begin..

Disciplne.. This is the most crucial factor of all.. This is the factor that forms the foundation to everything else.. Discipline, or to be exact, Self-discipline is crucial.. It makes you to follow what's expected,to go according to plans and to most importantly, BE DISCIPLINE.. For me, Discipline will guide me in my life.. To distinguish what's right and wrong..To complete my tasks accordingly.. In total, discipline help me to be organized..

Im starting to love my work.. But at the same time, i'm missing my school life.. I really miss the student life which I might have taken for granted for the past last years.. Comparing school life and work life, which will you choose?? There are pros and cons to both.. Lets see my personal analysis for it..

- Think for exams and projects that will be due
- Learn as everyday passes by
- Get allowance from my parents
- Mentally and physically challenging

- Think of completing assigned tasks without mistakes
- Learn things asap to be on track
- Earn your own pay
- Mentally challenging

Well.. This analysis is only a general one.. Different people might have different analysis.. For now, this is how I view it.. For me, work life is more stressful as we have to bear responsibility to what we are doing.. For student life, we are there with one purpose which is to earn the Diploma or Certificate at the end of the day.. At the same time, we enjoy the time with our peers so that life won't be too lonely.. I'm realising how good life as a student is..

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