Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quick Update - Saturday 22nd Nov

I've finally done with my report.. Glad its over.. Its tiring just to prepare one report.. I watched Ghost Whisperer yesterday.. Its a great serial.. Love the plot.. The title might give the idea of a scary ghost plot.. But after watching up till the 4th season, I find that each week plot has a sad ending and it makes me cry.. Each time Melinda helps a ghost to cross over, I can't help but feel moved by the scenes..

Next week will be the season finale.. Hopefully Supernatural will be aired after Ghost Whisperer.. This is another series that I love watching.. I find it similar to Ghost Whisperer but Supernatural is a more serious ghost hunting than Ghost Whisperer.. There's two character in Supernatural but I prefer Dean much much better.. His brotherly aura appeals to me..

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