Monday, July 22, 2019

Long Read - 30 Facts About Me

30 Facts About Me In Random Order

1)  I like to read. In fact, library is one of my favourite places.
2)  I don't drink milk but will drink condense milk with my favourite cereal.
3)  I like to look at the blue sky and blue sea. I can look at them for a very long time.
4)  My favourite colour has always been black and blue.
5)  My weakness is Maths. I don't like numbers and calculations.
6)  I love writing. Because of this, I enjoyed subjects like History and Social Studies.
7)  Terrible sweet tooth.
8)  Very much a romantic at heart, a hopeless romantic though it's very well hidden.
9)  I continued with tertiary studies just so that I get to wear the mortar board.
10) I can cook decent simple meals.

11) I love going to the sea but hate the sand.
12) I love quiet places.
13) I enjoy small group of people as compared to large group of companies.
14) I've always been a fan of Bollywood films and music since young.
15) Salman Khan has been my favourite for quite some time now.
16) I like prawns more than squid.
17) I am not a huge fan of red meat.
18) I can sleep with the lights on and off but prefer to have it totally off.
19) I have phobia of extremely loud noise and large motion picture. My siblings question how I could watch movies at the cinema with this phobia. They just don't know my secret 😝
20) I like certain genre of music and heavy metal or techno aren't on the list.

21) I still enjoy reading paperbooks instead of e-books.
22) I eat spicy food but cannot handle them if it's over my limit of spiciness.
23) I have never own a pet.
24) I truly learn to embrace my curly hair when I'm in my twenties. No more rebonding!
25) I like traditional Malay kueh.
26) I have a fear of getting close to cats though I envy those who can pet and hold them like babies.
27) I don't dare to handle or hold an infant, not until they are like almost 1 year old.
28) I am not athletic but I love badminton and can play them for hours.
29) I love my height. Last time, I wish I was shorter to fit in rather than stick out but slowly I learn to appreciate it.
30) My list of wants is always long but I prefer keeping it private in my own thoughts instead of sharing them with people.
31) Bonus! I like cooking than baking but I do love eating baked goods!

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