Monday, July 22, 2019

Long Read - 30 Facts About Me

30 Facts About Me In Random Order

1)  I like to read. In fact, library is one of my favourite places.
2)  I don't drink milk but will drink condense milk with my favourite cereal.
3)  I like to look at the blue sky and blue sea. I can look at them for a very long time.
4)  My favourite colour has always been black and blue.
5)  My weakness is Maths. I don't like numbers and calculations.
6)  I love writing. Because of this, I enjoyed subjects like History and Social Studies.
7)  Terrible sweet tooth.
8)  Very much a romantic at heart, a hopeless romantic though it's very well hidden.
9)  I continued with tertiary studies just so that I get to wear the mortar board.
10) I can cook decent simple meals.

11) I love going to the sea but hate the sand.
12) I love quiet places.
13) I enjoy small group of people as compared to large group of companies.
14) I've always been a fan of Bollywood films and music since young.
15) Salman Khan has been my favourite for quite some time now.
16) I like prawns more than squid.
17) I am not a huge fan of red meat.
18) I can sleep with the lights on and off but prefer to have it totally off.
19) I have phobia of extremely loud noise and large motion picture. My siblings question how I could watch movies at the cinema with this phobia. They just don't know my secret 😝
20) I like certain genre of music and heavy metal or techno aren't on the list.

21) I still enjoy reading paperbooks instead of e-books.
22) I eat spicy food but cannot handle them if it's over my limit of spiciness.
23) I have never own a pet.
24) I truly learn to embrace my curly hair when I'm in my twenties. No more rebonding!
25) I like traditional Malay kueh.
26) I have a fear of getting close to cats though I envy those who can pet and hold them like babies.
27) I don't dare to handle or hold an infant, not until they are like almost 1 year old.
28) I am not athletic but I love badminton and can play them for hours.
29) I love my height. Last time, I wish I was shorter to fit in rather than stick out but slowly I learn to appreciate it.
30) My list of wants is always long but I prefer keeping it private in my own thoughts instead of sharing them with people.
31) Bonus! I like cooking than baking but I do love eating baked goods!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Quick Update - Free Time

Sometimes it feels as if I have plenty of time when at work. 

I don't hate it but it the time just went by slowly this way. I kept checking the time and it is still not time to go home yet. 

I should be grateful and not complain. I shall not complain. 😴

I also have been watching plenty of films, thanks to Netflix and my brother's subscription. 

At the moment, I feel like I am drained from watching films and dramas sometimes. But if I don't watch them and tick all the stuffs that I want to watch, I feel uneasy and it feels like I am racing against time to complete as many titles as I can. 

If I don't watch Netflix, there will be nothing to do. The TV is there but I just don't have the patience nowadays to watch films or drams with all the interruptions from the commercial breaks. Netflix and online movies really spoil us. 

I've been cleaning up my blog posts and I noticed 2 things:

- I used to post really small sized images. Why so small?
- I used to write a lot. I think I still do some heavy thinking and deep thinking but I don't have the energy to translate them to words anymore. Perhaps, I am just afraid that if I write all my thoughts here, it will come back to haunt me in the future.