Monday, May 13, 2019

Long Read - Films Watched Part 1 - Deleted

This will be a continuous post on all films I've watched recently. It will end when I stop watching films or lose interest in keeping tabs. 

For now, I would usually tweet about the film that I've watched so for most of the films below, it will bring you to the short review/comment I have on the film/drama/documentary when you click on the title.  
(Should have created something like this for all the films I've watched since I learn how to watch films 🤔)

September 2018
Confessions of A Shopaholic

December 2018
13 Reasons Why Season 2
Sabrina and her chilling adventures

There was supposed to be more films here but somehow everything goes haywire and misalignment this and that. To keep it clean, it's all deleted as editing several times does not seem to work. 

As this post is now too lengthy for my own liking, a new post will be posted for all films watched from June and hopefully all the way to December. Would be interesting to have a count on the total number of films and dramas I watch in 2019. 


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