Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Long Read - More Drama?

I have just finished watching 4-parts series of Sherlock. Never did I imagined I would be interested in this series considering I have never been a fan of detective, crime, investigative stories.

Upon further pondering, I just made the realisation that I was actually wrong.
I have always been one to watch crime and investigative stories!

I started watching English series seriously only later, starting with Ghost Whisperer. Earlier I did watch a bit of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Charmed but I wasn't the following type. Meaning I would watch at random and will not follow through with the stories and development.

After Ghost Whisperer, there was Supernatural, Harper's Island, Fringe, the lighter Austin and Ally followed by Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Good Witch and just recently Sherlock.

Supernatural. Harper's Island. Fringe. Aren't the stories from these series about crime and investigation? How could I be so blind! 

Since we are on this topic, let's revisit what I remember about each series.

The series that made my eyes wet  after every episode. Followed Season 1 faithfully and lost interest when it went over to Season 2. Phrases that I picked up, "Unfinished Business" and "Into The Light".


Loved the Winchesters' brother and Castiel. Followed the series faithfully all until Season 6 or 7, I really can't remember. Some parts can be scary as we are dealing with hunting demons and monsters. 
Dean and Sam remain one of my favourite brothers. I may also have a soft spot for Castiel. And who can ignore the trademark Dean's car which I think is very pretty. 




The promotion of this series was very different from the usual and because I needed to know who's the killer, I watched the entire series and even came up with a post specifically for this series: http://diwaniladki.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-thing-in-town-harpers-island.html?m=0

If I recall correctly, a friend/colleague introduced me to this series after learning I like Supernatural. Was apprehensive to start watching it (well what's new?) I got stuck to this series and the absurdity and craziness of it all. Peter and Olivia, one of my favourite on-screen couple.

This is actually a sitcom from Disney Channel. Watched a few random episodes and I wanted to know more and started digging for old episodes and ended up watching all their new ones too. Very funny, sweet sitcom.Watched all the main characters practically grow up as they move on from one season to another. 

I remember watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch cartoon when I was much younger. I have always loved the cartoon especially Salem so I was expecting something similar when they made it to live action. I might have missed out the words "Chilling Adventures" as this version is a much darker version. Somehow the magical world of Sabrina dragged me to continue watching her and following her adventures to slowly become a witch.

After Sabrina which I watched on Netflix, some suggestions came up and Good Witch was one of it. Still mesmerized with all things magical and potions, I thought hey here's another witch-related drama. But this witch is a different kind of witch. Even after completing all 4 seasons, we are still not informed explicitly if Cassie is really a witch! The show is a feel good drama where all things eventually fall into places later on. Also, there's plenty of good quotes which is often said by Cassie Nightingale herself. Even her name sounds magical! 

After Good Witch, Netflix suggested this drama series. Still not completely over all things superpowers and magical, I gave it a try. Interesting series. Someone with superpowers does not automatically become a better person. Here we see people with superpowers yet they are very human and tend to make mistakes like everyone else. 

Now, Sherlock. A friend recommended this series and I honestly took some time before I started on this series. The duration for each episode had already made me not want to watch it. After dragging around, I finally started on Sherlock and now after 4 seasons, I can proudly say that I am Sherlock-ed! I have yet to completely get over the series and is currently still having withdrawal syndrome. I even started to have a liking for Benedict, the actor who's playing Sherlock. See what you made me do Sherlock https://twitter.com/diwaniladki/status/1131932394699624449

Update: I hate how the alignment is off in some places but I've edited so many times and it still shows! Urggghh

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Quick Update - Not So Mid Week Mid Month Reflections

Work at new workplace is pleasant so far. Team member and reporting boss has been good so far. Both pleasant people with nice working attitude. 

No personal desk so my trusty soft-toy no longer accompany me while I am at work. But! I still have to bring one of them and Doraemon was chosen and it's kept in the locker. Everytime I open the locker, I will be greeted by this blue creature. I need some familiar stuff that is conforting.

Office is cosy. Office building is a 3-storey shophouse building. Lesser humans. Lesser crowd. 

Only thing that I have yet to get used to is the toilet. First time in many years of working that it's a shared facilities. Have to get used to seeing someone of the opposite gender at the wash basin once you are out of the cubicle. For now, this is something that I miss from the usual office building. 

It's Ramadan now too. 

Honestly I am so very glad we get to experience a happier fasting month this year as compared to last year. Mom has been healthier and looking back, it was such a scary nightmare I do not wish to experience again hopefully. 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Long Read - Films Watched Part 1 - Deleted

This will be a continuous post on all films I've watched recently. It will end when I stop watching films or lose interest in keeping tabs. 

For now, I would usually tweet about the film that I've watched so for most of the films below, it will bring you to the short review/comment I have on the film/drama/documentary when you click on the title.  
(Should have created something like this for all the films I've watched since I learn how to watch films 🤔)

September 2018
Confessions of A Shopaholic

December 2018
13 Reasons Why Season 2
Sabrina and her chilling adventures

There was supposed to be more films here but somehow everything goes haywire and misalignment this and that. To keep it clean, it's all deleted as editing several times does not seem to work. 

As this post is now too lengthy for my own liking, a new post will be posted for all films watched from June and hopefully all the way to December. Would be interesting to have a count on the total number of films and dramas I watch in 2019. 


Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Long Read - Staycay in April 2019



The youngest went to Korea for a girl's trip and mom wanted to send her and because of the timing and all, we booked a room to save the travelling and ta..da! We had a staycay though it was a very short one.

The thing about staycay is it's like a mini holiday. Not sure if it's the accommodation we chose or the nice bed we get to sleep in but it was just great. 


I always look forward to breakfast though I roughly know what's available :P


Was hoping to get a room with runway view but the one we got was not that bad either. 

Since we were all the way at the East, we went to visit the latest Jewel in town too. 


The mall looks like VivoCity plus Suntec City to me. 

The attraction everyone was there for was this:

The Rain Vortex! World's largest indoor waterfall. Which also changes colour. 



Vortex is really a huge and cool space to be in. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Quick Update - May 2019

Just some of my favourite photos that I took over the years. I think what makes these photos special to me is the natural filter that nature added to each of the photos, creating some kind of special effects to the photos. 

Today is 7th May 2019. 

2nd day of Ramadan for this year. 

4th day of working at the new company, C. 

Let's see how we go :-)