Thursday, November 29, 2018

Long Read - Thread. Not about the sewing thread.

Twitter. Thread. Plenty of threads.
I use thread to keep track of similar things that I tweet. 
I did not realise there were way too many thread until I stalk my own account. 

Here is the list of threads hidden beneath the thousands and thousands of tweets on my timeline. 

About books that I have read. All fiction. Has way too many Malay novels and mostly are all cintan-cintun stories. Need to read some English books. 

I digress a little here. Last time before there was twitter, facebook and all these social media, I used to write reviews of books I have read, useful and meaningful quotes from the book and my opinion of the story, characters and book. Wrote quite a lot but sadly all those books I wrote in needed to be get rid of. To start all over again is just too time consuming. For some time I wanted to record books I read so I turned to twitter. Initially I will just take pictures of the book's cover and then I remember I am not getting any younger. I tend to forget faster now and so I try to write mini reviews when I post on twitter


One of my proudest thread ever! Started this thread when I wanted to document the different types of food we could get here in Singapore. I feel grateful and blessed that we can have food and cuisine from other countries all in our country though sometimes you need to explore further than your comfort area to reach out to them. More tweets added to this list as we are foodies and there's still plenty of food out there waiting to be eaten and photographed.

The latest thread I created to document and keep track of shows I have watched. Not sure why I think this was necessary. Probably because I have to prove that I have watched them and thus I'm very aware and updated on the gossip and rumours.  

Started this thread when I wanted to document the different types of drinks I have been able to get. To show my appreciation for my favourite beverage that I frequently drink.  

Realised I love sandwiches and thus created this thread to document different sandwiches I have eaten. May have been influenced by the 300 sandwiches blog. 

Thread started because I was amused by Salman gifs that a dear friend sent to me upon discovering them on the gif section in whatsapp. Thinking of turning this into an appreciation thread for Salman as I remember I did one thread before but cannot locate it anymore :( 

Edit: The appreciation thread for Salman has since been found!

Started the long thread to show my gratitude and thanks for pretty things that I was blessed to receive within that short time period. 

This thread was started when I somehow was searching the gif section for this film. Wonder what triggered the search but I vaguely remember it was to find a gif of Kareena that I wanted to post as a reaction. Ended up using all the gifs from the film that I could find to somehow talk about the film from start to end. I'm proud of myself for this thread. It's very entertaining. 

Okay this one here was started when I notice I may not like the actor or actress but somehow has a film of theirs which is in my favourite list. Not an active thread because as the title suggest, I forgotten all about it!

I am surprised I forgot about this thread since I am very obsessed with clouds! There should have been more added to this tweet considering the amount of pictures I have related to the clouds and sky. Have tried to take less pictures of these objects and simply appreciate them. But I get jealous of people when they managed to capture pretty pictures of the clouds and sky especially. 

Salman's films appreciation thread
Sometimes when I have the luxury of time, I will watch short clips of films I have watched before to simply enjoy the films again. 

Edited: Found the original thread! -

I question if it was validation that I seek when I create all these thread or tweets or post pictures on Instagram? If yes, from who? But upon further pressing, I don't have a particular style that I adopt when I tweet or post on Instagram. I just post what I feel like posting. Even now I have stop sharing pictures on Facebook. It just fizzles out and I post more random things on twitter and memories that need and ought to be remembered on Instagram.

Random Hindi Songs
Somehow I listened to the songs and like them but I have never watched the film. In order not to forget these songs as it would be a waste, I decided to come up with a thread indicating the title of the song and also why the song stuck on me.

I don't recall this thread at all until recently in Sept 2019 as I did super random searches in twitter.

I honestly love this new creation. There's just so many of them and big thank you to everyone who created these gifs and uploaded in onto twitter library for all of us to use. It's truly A-MA-ZING!

Long Read - FOMO

According to Urban Dictionary, FOMO means Fear Of Missing Out. 

I think I just properly learned this term and it's meaning a few nights ago while watching Karan Johar share his fear of missing out during an episode on BFFs With Vogue.

I have recently started to catch-up on plenty of entertainment shows which I have been seeing on my social media feeds months ago. It was only recently I think I feel like I have the time to spare to watch all these shows.

While watching, I usually have in mind plenty of things that I would want to write for each episode on my twitter account. I just want to record these thoughts and keep track of what I have been watching. Sometimes I feel like I just fear missing out or forgetting what I have watched.

It isn't just for shows. I felt the same for films, for drama serials and for books too.

Last time I used to write summary and review of every novel that I have read. It became like a hobby/obsession that I remember I wrote plenty of them which amounts to about 2 books-full.
I remember painstakingly writing summary and review of each book after I have finished them. Sometimes when I read what I wrote, I would be impressed with myself for writing well 😝

It's such a waste all those writings are all gone now thanks to the mass cleaning required at home not long ago. I don't think I will be able to re-create those honest book summary and reviews anymore. There is just not enough time nowadays.

Somehow poly education started and I seldom have the luxury to read as much as I would have love to and writing became boring. Boring mainly because I would no longer write passionately as I used to. I also started questioning why I spent so much of my time doing all these writing and for whom.

Thanks to twitter, I now write short description or feelings after reading any particular novel just so I remember what I had read. Then it went on to malay drama serials which I was hooked to not long ago and even went on to write blog posts about them:

I love reading blogs related to Bollywood/Hindi films. While reading them, sometimes I wonder and am just surprised why I did not have filmography of sorts on all the films I have watched! Especially Bollywood/Hindi films as I think I might have watched quite a number to be able to create a healthy long list of films that I have watched!

There seems to be a lot of emotions going on while I'm typing this post. It is so evident by the jumbled contents in this post. 

I have to learn to let go a little! Hanging to memories of books, what I read and watch can be very tiring sometimes.