Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Long Read - 17 June 2015 (30 Syaaban 1436)

Taken in the morning around 7plus on the way to work

Today's blog will somehow be a round-up of what today is and how it went by. 
Let's see if I could stay committed to what I had planned to start with. 

First thing first, I still cannot get over my obsession with the sky, clouds and nature. I'm not a nature person (not into gardening and that sort of thing) but over the recent years, I realized I am easily drawn to looking around me and trying to capture on camera what my eyes are seeing. It is as if I cannot marvel enough as how beautiful our surroundings are. Alhamdulilah.. Honestly, I lost count of how many pictures I have taken of the sky, clouds, sun and all the related. So far I have not been lucky enough to capture the beauty of the moon or stars at night thanks to not having a high-quality camera. 

So today is Tuesday and naturally it is working day for me. Come September it will be two years since I joined KF and left Savills. I have been saying this a lot but really how time flies! Same work routine plus site visit which made me think I should have a safety boots and helmet just to complete my looks :D 

As the title of this post suggests, tomorrow shall be 1 Ramadhan Insya Allah. I have been pretty excited that the fasting month is here again and we get to fast whole day, struggle in the early morning for sahur and enjoy counting down to buka time. Hopefully this Ramadhan will be a better one than the last and I hope I can do more good as we are expected to. 

Oh before I forgot, I finished reading a cool book today. 

I am so glad I came across this book in the library the other day. Titled High Anxiety, this fictional book is about a clinical psychologist Dr Holly and her "adventures" dealing with her patients as well as her personal life. As it is a psychology-related book, I come across some of the disorder like Gender Identity Disorder, Psychopath, Anger Management while reading this book and it brought back the memories when I was taking Abnormal Psychology. I abandoned this blog for a good couple of months sometimes I forgot what I had previously updated or wrote in my past entries. Did I wrote I took up studying again? In case no, I am still studying and it will be 2 years this December since I started studying again. Got a long way to go still and sometimes I feel that I should just quit and focus on working. But it would seem such a waste to give up everything now since I have traveled quite a distance now. It will be about what 1.5 years or 2 years more before I finish school. At times I wonder what I will do after graduation but I just cannot find the answer just yet. Let's leave all that when the time comes shall we?

Ending this post with these two beautiful pictures that I wish I had taken but no, they are taken by my sister. Don't you feel that the pictures give you some romantic vibes..? By what she told me, at the time she took these pictures I was not yet into the sceneries photography yet. Well, that must have been some good years back then I guess :)

East Coast, Singapore

East Coast, Singapore

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