Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Long Read - Salman Khan Appreciation - Kyon Ki

I don't usually do this, not to this extent at least. What I usually do when I find him too irresistible is usually tweet about him, look at his pictures or Instagram him.

But yesterday when I was watching Kyon Ki, I can't help gushing over how good looking Salman was in this film. Though the film did not do well at the box office, well that is beside the point.

At almost most frames, he simply look amazing! Obviously he has since age but he sure age nicely I would say.

Coming back to Kyon Ki, while watching the songs my mind was going into overdrive at planning how perfect it would be to capture those moments when he just look amazing. Deep inside my head I know there are GIFs on the Internet so after the film, I did some googling. Confession. I did not watch the entire full film as it was just too depressing. I can't bring myself to watch how he got treated towards the end of the film. Plus the ending of the film is just too much. If you have watched the film, you would know what I mean. For those of you who has not watched it and don't understand what I'm saying, this is no bakwaas. Go watch the film and you'll understand perfectly what I meant :)

So googling Kyon Ki GIFs, there is only one that I found via Bollymusings tumblr (

I was not satisfied as I needed more! Can't believe I did it but yes I created some GIFs on my own! ON MY OWN! I can't believe I would go to this extent myself! It's just too much work but I'm proud of what I have created. All for the man named Salman Khan..

So here they are..!

And the last one.. My Personal Favourite!

Love you Salman forever and always.. You'll always be in a special place in my heart..!

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