Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Quick Update - Mid Afternoon on a Tuesday

So it's noon time soon but I shall be in office and will not be joining the lunch crowd. Why? It's now the Ramadan and alhamdulilah it's already 24 Ramadan today. Just a few days soon and it'll be Hari Raya!

Gosh! Seriously I'm having like an hour break time now and that should be more than sufficient time for a proper blog right? But no. The mind simply refuse to cooperate with the fingers and thus I'm feeling all lazy to type more.

Maybe just a quick updates and till the next time I blog..

- School term 2 has since begin & yesterday was the first class
- 2 more classes before I can really turn on my holiday mode button (boring!)
- Stumbled upon this beautiful and amazing Bollywood blog - http://bollymusings.tumblr.com and I've been on it ever since. Actually my mission is to reach to the last page but 736 pages later and there's no hint I'm reaching the ending soon. No comlains though :) The edits, the pictures, GIFs posted are all beautiful and it's now one of my frequently visited blog.

Till I'm in the mood to blog again..

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