Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Long Read - Midnight thoughts?

"Aku tetap kan setia bersama janji yang dibina mengapa kau berubah kala cinta di penghujungnya.."

Macam paham.. Berkasih tak pernah tapi kenapa macam perasaan dikecewakan, kecewa senagn dirasai sang hati?
Ini salah satu misteri hati yang masih aku mencari jawapannya.

I had planned to revise social sciences but too many workload plus distractions here and there and UNISIM website seems to be down :(
Actually I don't know how and where to start revising. As a matter of fact, I enrolled and got admitted into UNISIM doing Psychology with Business *woohoo!!*
Like finally right? I had been contemplating furthering studies for what seems like 4 years fearing about the finances, whether I can cope with working, whether it's necessary that sort of things.

Finally it struck me that I'm going to be 30 soon. Yeah not so soon but won't be that long either so I told myself do it now before I reach 30 or I won't ever do it again.

So, finance-wise I took a study loan, starts repaying on the 2nd month after I graduate. Problem solved. In a way it serve as a constant reminder I need to really need to study and perform otherwise the loans will be useless and burden to myself.

Coping with work, I'm now what I like to term myself as full time worker part time student. Sounds cool right?

I did think if I really needed a degree since diploma had been quite useful to me so far. Speaking to some people didn't exactly help.
However, that slow burning desire to wear the graduation gown and the CAP which was always there made me do it. I find it funny that my motivation to further study is to wear that cap and throw it in the air but I guess everyone has their own funny motivation surely?

So here I am, 4 months into school and my exams (4 papers) in May! Sometimes I wonder how did I manage to complete those assignments as I can't remember clearly what I had done for the assignments.
Hilarious me! Hahaha! But well I did get decent marks for the assignments :D

Instead of thinking of reaching the destination, I like to think that I also need to enjoy the journey that will eventually lead me to my destination.
Ayat macam paham lagi hahah. Nak buat macam mana I like to write and read and write. It's just that I've been lazy and neglected the writer side of me. Was there even one?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Long Read - What I had wanted to blog about actually

Well someone got a lil' too emo and ended up writing what she wrote in her last blog post hasn't she?

I've been reading couple of some nice and cool blogs relating to Hindi films cinema, Bollywood and inter-racial marriage and it struck me that:

1) Being a fanatic Hindi films fan, I've never blog a review of any Hindi films (I don't ever recall I did even one!)
2) I blog about random things but nothing on Hindi films or Bollywood
3) All I've blog about Bollywood is all related to Salman (mein toh Salman ki diwani)
4) I need to start or at least attempt to remember writing on Hindi films

Why all these thoughts? I enjoy reading what others think or feel about certain films and I silently agree or disagree with them.
So I thought why not I start writing what I think or feel too. Who knows what I feel/think now about a particular film might have changed the 10th time I re-watch the film. I'll get to do a little analysis then!

It's a great way to improve my writing and I need to exercise these fingers again! Hahaah!

Long Read - April 2014

And just like that, it is now April. A couple of days and we'll enter May. Four months from 2014 gone.
So, what have you done in the last four months?

I enrolled for school to further to my studies, got accepted and now I'm a full time employee part time student.
I kind of like this new term. Being back in school allows me to absorb all new information an expose me to new knowledge, new friends.

Not that I get to meet and make new friends. The thing with part time studying, for my school at least, is each module last for 6 weeks only.
So you enter into a new class, smile nod your head, listen to the lecturer for 3 hours and goes home. Repeat for 6 times, once a week and there you have my time table for school. How to make friends within that short period of time you tell me?

Anyways, school has been fun so far, I made few friends despite what I wrote above, drag on assignments and panicking to do a decent work when deadline is near and gets happy when I receive my grades for the assignments. The grades I got are not fantastic that I can boast about but at least I think it's decent considering it's my first attempt at writing a 1000-word essay *pat myself on the shoulder*

The next few years won't be a bed of roses (rose petals actually as a rose alone has its thorns) but I believe I can do it. I need to get out of my comfort zone which I have and endure and enjoy. As I was told before or maybe I read somewhere or maybe I had came up with the phrase myself,

"The destination is important as well as the journey towards reaching the destination"

Funny how I had wanted to write about a totally different topic and ended up writing this. Next blog post then!