Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Long Read - April 2014

And just like that, it is now April. A couple of days and we'll enter May. Four months from 2014 gone.
So, what have you done in the last four months?

I enrolled for school to further to my studies, got accepted and now I'm a full time employee part time student.
I kind of like this new term. Being back in school allows me to absorb all new information an expose me to new knowledge, new friends.

Not that I get to meet and make new friends. The thing with part time studying, for my school at least, is each module last for 6 weeks only.
So you enter into a new class, smile nod your head, listen to the lecturer for 3 hours and goes home. Repeat for 6 times, once a week and there you have my time table for school. How to make friends within that short period of time you tell me?

Anyways, school has been fun so far, I made few friends despite what I wrote above, drag on assignments and panicking to do a decent work when deadline is near and gets happy when I receive my grades for the assignments. The grades I got are not fantastic that I can boast about but at least I think it's decent considering it's my first attempt at writing a 1000-word essay *pat myself on the shoulder*

The next few years won't be a bed of roses (rose petals actually as a rose alone has its thorns) but I believe I can do it. I need to get out of my comfort zone which I have and endure and enjoy. As I was told before or maybe I read somewhere or maybe I had came up with the phrase myself,

"The destination is important as well as the journey towards reaching the destination"

Funny how I had wanted to write about a totally different topic and ended up writing this. Next blog post then!

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