Saturday, June 8, 2013

Long Read - Time for a post

It's definitely time for a new post. Been busy really busy recently that I don't even have time to check on twitter or facebook during working hours. What more blogs..

Work wise there's been too many changes. My first boss whom I've known since my internship for a good 5 years finally decided to move on. A team of 7 came in. Then a team of 5 which includes our now new boss came in. 3 of our agents move on, actually 4. 2 left the firm and 2 hopped onto another department within the company.

With changes comes changes and adaptation. Working style changes. Suddenly it's a sea of new people with different pattern and style. I'm still trying to get used to it though I think I'm somewhat 99.99% had embraced the change. Maybe it's time for me to change too? Hmmm...

Speaking of which, I'm supposed to sit down this month and really decide which degree programme I want to enroll in and be in for the next 3-4 years. Likely would be SIM but which course how etc etc etc.. So many questions and it's such a big investment financial wise which I don't really know whether I should pursue or not. I'm quite satisfied holding on a diploma yet personally I have always wanted to hold on to a roll of degree. It's been a personal ambition since young..

Life is always one big place to explore..

I'm currently hooked to Tamil songs from Aadhavan.. Vaarayo Vaarayo, Yeno and Hasili Fisili.

The actor is none other than my favourite Surya!

We at home always call Surya the equivalent of Salman while Vijay is the equivalent of Shah Rukh based on their acting styles and their attitude on screen. Salman and Surya share the same characteristic of the charismatic cool guy while Shah Rukh and Vijay have always been the more lively more energetic guy.

We had a company's vacation to Clubmed Bali in March this year. Quite a fun trip though I miss all the water-related activities :(

One memory I won't ever forget while there is meeting one of the resort personnel, Adrien. Not actually meeting meeting but he left quite an impression that is still lasting till today. I should have asked at least for his facebook or something.. I think I should stop obsessing over him one day..

Other new obsession is looking up to the sky and check out the clouds. Hahah! Sometimes I wonder if I am secretly searching for something or someone in the blue sky maybe..