Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Quick Update - Why I Wonder

Sometimes, I do wonder why things happen. Why it can't be avoided? Why? Why? Why?

As much as we tried to, sometimes things may get out of hand. Sometimes, things get escalated. All these will then lead to things happening the way we didn't want them to happen.

I do try to control the situation but sometimes, it is just too much for you to continue bottling them up. There's this thing called patience I guess which is one of the determining factor. It is often we hear people saying "Do not test my patience". But are we even paying attention to what we do or say in order to avoid testing someone's patience?

There's too many questions in this world. Some can be answered. Some are simply meant to be that way with no concrete answer. It will always remain a question for us human being to continue searching for the answer..

Friday, March 23, 2012

Quick Update - March 2012

As I am typing tonight, I am listening to random Hindi love songs. I grew up listening and watching Hindi movies. As I am a romantic at heart, I guess it doesn't take much to make me a Hindi-movie lover. Hindi is nowadays know to all as Bollywood. Yes, the name takes after Hollywood. One of my most favourite Hindi actor if you can't already tell from the display is none other than... SALMAN KHAN!!!

He does not need any introduction, does he? Well, I have been in love with him what seems like forever now. No one can or able to take over his position yet.. :)

Why I love this man so much is so hard to be describe. I look up to him as a man who dare to do what he think is right, does not bother about what the surrounding or people around him say/think about him and the aura of the normal insaan and not that SUPERSTAR aura. He is the hero of masses and everyone from 6-60 years old love him to death. As much as I love and adore him, I am still standing on reality ground and will not be delusional. I know it is impossible to be near or next to him what with me being here and he being in India and all over the world. But again, there's nothing impossible right? I'll just keep loving himm from far like I have always been doing.. My love for you will never die. This I promise you.. Sounds like a song lyrics.. Haha

Well, let's see.. I have taken up driving licence and am still learning. Hope to pass it before Hari Raya but looking at the schedules it might be slightly not possible. Booking for the Final Theory Test takes almost two months! Crazy or what.
Afer much driving practicals and being behind that steering wheel, it does seem like fun to be able to drive a machine: car. If only there isn't the accompanying rules & regulations and risk of an accident bla bla bla..

That's all for tonight post I guess.. Phir milenge..

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Quick Update - March 2012

Wow!! I can't believe this blog of mine still exists!!

The last blog I posted was in year 2009. That makes at least 2years++ since I last came in here..

Time sure have changed a lot. I'm now a full time working adult instead of the laptop-hugging student back in 2009. Oh my! How much time has changed.

In the current year where people prefer Tumblr, I still tried without success to re-visit my blog and finally I did it tonight!! Yay to me!!!

As time goes by, I will try to blog more often.. This I promise myself..