Monday, October 27, 2008

Quick Update - THE RAT RACE

I hate every morning when i have to rush to work.. No matter how early I am, I'l feel as if i am late.. Everyone around me is rushing about.. Walking quickly... But, i have no complaints.. That's how the world is.. Everyone is rushing towards their destination and their goals.. I'm one of them too.. I can list my goals here.. But right now I don't feel I wanna list them down.. Let them be in my brains so that I know that there are many stuffs I am reaching out for.. How I wish I could take some time off and relaxed for as long as I could.. Maybe go to the beach or somewhere calm where I can enjoy the sea breeze..

Listen to the birds chirping.. Watch the birds fly high in the sky..

Credits for the pictures:

Quick Update - Monday 27th Oct

Right now, as I'm writing here, I'm listening to songs form Salman's movies.. Love him.. Each time I listen to these songs, I can't help but smile to myself.. WHY?? I keep wondering why I love this guy too much.. Im crazy I know.. It seems like a dream come true if I ever had the chance to meet him.. Will that moment ever come true?? There are many reasons why I'm loving him out of all the hunks in Bollywood.. Its his charismatic and cool attitude that attracted me.. I used to create a powerpoint for all his pictures and anything that is related to him.. ANd one day, it simply disappear.. WHY?? Simple.. My laptop crashed.. That was one of the worst day in my life.. Luckily, I've found a really good website on SALMAN.. Its like a one-stop channel related to Salman.. the members are great too..

Here's a link to the website

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quick Update - Passion

I'm currently reading this book, Beyond Indigo by Preethi Nair.. Its a very good book which tells us about what we want to be versus what we have to be.. Reading this novel made me think of all the success we have to achieved in order to please others.. sometimes, we did it to make our parents happy.. other times, we did it because we are forced.. You will only find happines when you are doing things that you have passion in.. For me, i enjoy reading.. So, i read because I love to and not because I'm being forced.. The feeling of achieveness is different when you do something out of passion and when you do it out because you're forced..

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Quick Update - This is my space..

This is my first entry in my blog.. This blog shall be my personal space where I will pour and share my feelings, thoughts and reflections.. Sometimes, I get ideas to write and I will write them here..