Friday, September 22, 2023

How the night changes - Quick Read

Things can change overnight.

Foreseen this change but did not expect it to happen too soon.

The lack of communication eventually leading to nothing to share and interact. 

From constant communication to zero communication.

I wonder if they feel the unsettling feeling?

Monday, September 4, 2023

Quick Read - S$500

What should I spent on if I was given spare S$500? The other day I had this random thoughts and I am surprised that I took so long to decide what I want to spend the money on. 

This despite always having things that needed buying but always put on hold because budget. 

Yet, here I am thinking hard and long on what to buy or spend with this extra cash. 

To date, I am still thinking of what to buy. Random items not in order include:

- Another watch to add to my collection

- Jewellery, perhaps ring or necklace

- Clothes (adding on to the never-ending pile in the wardrobe)

- Makeup

I also realized that I will have tons of excuse whenever it comes to buying things for myself. If only there's a dollar for everytime I do this, I think I would have many many dollars by now.