Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Quick Read - Mid Afternoon Musing

 Gonna be starting at a new place come May 2023. Genuine feelings? Not very excited. 

It's a new company and new culture yes. Working again with my ex-buddy whom I'm very much comfortable to work with. However, it's going to be the same work all over again seeing pretty much the same issues and dealing with the same people. 

Usually we escape to somewhere new to experience a new space and learn new things. But that's not exactly how it will be for this next endeavour. It might be too soon to not feel happy about it. 

On second thoughts, I'm really grateful that I managed to get to another place even if through recommendation. At least I am still bringing income home and able to support myself and probably parents. 

One of my forever wishlist is to have sufficient funds to be able to support myself and the parents as long as I can. To bring them to eat good food and buy things they like. Calculating to the dollars and cents for this is scary as the country we are living in is costly and almost everything is expensive. 

On my personal front, I am quite happy with how things are right now. I fear to rock my own boat though I am curious how it will be if that happens. The routine life I have now is just nice for me. I hope to be able to venture to more new places and spaces though. 

Sometimes I do feel envious of people around me who seem to be enjoying what they are doing and at the same time enjoying life. They seem to have lesser worry and can plan for their own future better while having the means to do so. Maybe I could do that as well if I could be more selfish and put myself first? 

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