Friday, December 10, 2021

Quick Read - #salehatweetsaboutfood

In one of my post on all threads I have created, #salehatweetsaboutfood was the first one that I mentioned. 

Repeating what I said there - #salehatweetsaboutfood is one of my proudest thread ever! Started this thread when I wanted to document the different types of food we could get here in Singapore. I feel grateful and blessed that we can have food and cuisine from other countries all in our country though sometimes you need to explore further than your comfort area to reach out to them. More tweets added to this list as we are foodies and there's still plenty of food out there waiting to be eaten and photographed.

At times, I get mad at myself at the trouble of having to take photos of the food before eating them. 

But when I looked back at all the photos recorded in this thread, I feel so GLAD that I took the trouble. In today's world, nothing lasts forever so at least there's photographs for memories in case the restaurants or cafes closed down forever..

The very first tweet - 

Somehow the thread for that first tweet was broken and another thread was born -

Probably when I am more motivated, I might just copy some of the tweets from those thread for highlights here.

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