Thursday, August 11, 2016

Long Read - Thoughts while currently away from Twitter

"This is so peaceful."

"No fan wars."

"Finally no need to read about all the BO collections of new films."

"Should I just deactivate my account?"

"I miss my twitter friends.."

"I miss the bantering and debating on twitter.."

"Did anyone miss me while I was not around..?"

"Did anyone notice I wasn't around..?"

"Did it even matter whether I was around or not?"

"I can get used to this."

"So how do I get updates about Bollywood now that I'm not on twitter?"

"There's other social medias you're still on and there's still Google"

"You follow mostly Salman Khan news only anyways."

"Now that I do not have twitter, where else can I write down my feelings?"

"Maybe I'm over twitter now."

"Should I deactivate my account already?"

"I don't want to deactivate and then come online again few months later."

"Sultan is now showing."

"What's the buzz about Sultan?"

"I thought I would miss twitter but I'm okay. So lazy to log on to twitter now."

"Maybe I should just ignore twitter completely?"

"There's plenty of negative vibes whenever I come on to twitter"

"Maybe I should clean my following list.. But that takes time.. Plus I'm so lazy to do it"

*Entering twitter webpage.. Nah forget it*

"Should I just do a quick visit to twitter today?"

"It's kinda boring here. It's always the same old thing"

"To tweet or not to tweet"

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