Sunday, January 31, 2016

Long Read - How I came up with the name "Diwaniladki"

As far as I can recall I have grew up watching Hindi films since I was very young all thanks to my mom. She watches Hindi films since young and has been watching them till I came along, continues watching them and to date she still watches them, though she is more selective nowadays.

Though I started watching Hindi films and was exposed to Bollywood, I did not start off being Salman Khan's fan or anyone for that matter. I watch films that my family watch and learn to recognise the actors and actresses slowly one by one. I came across a diary I wrote when I was very young and on the list of my favourite actors I had list down Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Ajay Devgan, Uday Chopra and Hrithik Roshan. That was how much I was into Bollywood then and I like everyone whose films I had watched. The list has since changed over the years :D

I guess I have to admit it is because of Shah Rukh Khan that I found out about Salman Khan and how everything else started to change.

Watching mostly Shah Rukh's films since young and probably because everyone love him, I wanted a favorite actor who is exclusively mine. I cannot exactly recall how I suddenly found myself attracted to Salman. But I really believe my love for him was not simply because of love at first sight. Rather I believe the love grew little by little as I started reading up on him.

Intrigued and rather annoyed at seeing how Salman was being labelled as Bollywood Bad Boy, I started checking out on him and reading lots and lots of articles that were written about him. While there are plenty of articles labeling him in a negative light, there are equally plenty that shows him in the positive light. It seemed strange to me too that this man this actor who most say negative things about him did not bother clarifying the facts. He just seem not bothered with what is being written about him and he just continues with what he has been doing, acting and all.

Not enough with just reading about him, I wanted to find a Salman Khan related medium where I could find all the latest updates and happening about Salman and then I came across a forum,

Starting out as a newbie I started exploring the forum and noticed there is one thread where only members
are allowed access and it promised exclusive pictures of Salman. Of course I had to be a part of all that. I had to have a username to log into as the thread is being moderated so that things do not get out of hand etc.
So I thought what better name than Salman Ki Diwani as I am crazy for him. Lucky for me that username was not taken.

I started to post more and replied to some of the comments made by other members in the forum. Soon that forum became my regular and must visit website whenever I have some spare time. It was a great forum and I really enjoyed all the interactions with other Salman Khan fans all over the world but sadly after some time all the people I used to talk to started drifting away and it was no longer as fun as it used to be. I still remember some good friends I made in that forum of which one or two I kept in touch off the forum via email for a couple of years.

Right before the forum lost its magic, Twitter happened and not long after Salman Khan joined Twitter. Though I was reluctant to join Twitter in the beginning, I eventually joined  because of who else, Salman Khan. For a long period I was only following him. Slowly but steadily, I started to follow other accounts and most of them are Bollywood-related accounts.

It was on Twitter that I wanted SalmanKiDiwani as my account name too. Somehow it didn't happen. I chose Diwaniladki instead.

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