Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Quick Update - Some nights

On some nights when you watch or listen to songs like these:

And you suddenly feel sad and emotional for no particular reason.

And you wonder why?

Have you ever felt this way before?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Quick Update - All the feels

Funny and strange how music and songs can affect your feelings. 

They said you will be affected because you have experienced similar emotion thus you could relate. 

Then there's me who have yet to experience any heartbreak and yet I could relate to some heartbreak songs, get what I mean?

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Quick Update - Midnight Reflections

It's past 1am when I typed this post.

I'm listening to 3 Doors Down - Here Without You, Hoobastank - The Reason, Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars and Evanescence - My Immortal. All the songs that will always bring back some memories from secondary school.

But tonight I'm not revisiting my school days which are long gone.

At this moment, I have just checked all the assignments due-date for my current school. Sometimes I can't believe I am actually pursuing my studies in the Uni. It all seems like unreal but thanks to the assignments, grades and exams I'm always brought back to reality land :P

Though I get upset when I get terrible and miserable marks, I always believe that learning is not gauged by the marks and scores. It's about learning new information and understanding new facts that I may have had wrong information before. Yet, I always squeal with delight when I see that I get good high marks for any particular assignments. It's human nature I guess to feel happy when you achieve success and feel sad when you face failure.

My life may not be perfect at this point of time and will never be perfect (because perfect if boring BOO!) but I am grateful for all that I have thus far. Like they always say, count your blessings. What you think is not enough may be more than enough for those who are less fortunate.

- Midnight thoughts & reflections

8 Sept 2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Quick Update - What Ifs

What if she is ready but the time isn't
What if she thinks she is ready but she actually isn't
What if the time had came but she just walk past it
What if she could not handle it
What if she thought she could handle it but fails miserably at it
What if she would be miserable
What if she is more happy now without her knowing about it

What if he is just around the corner
What if they finally meet each other and don't know what to do, what to say
What if they are not destined to meet yet
What if she actually would have her happily ever after
What if things would actually work out for her

What if she kept on waiting all her life
What if the time never comes

What if.

- 5 September 2015