Sunday, September 30, 2012

Long Read - What's the trend nowadays?

Busy weekends Busy Busy Busy!!

Now, what happened during the last few days.. Hmm..

Nigel's birthday lunch on Friday, contractor came down for toilet doors measurement (Finally!), surprise birthday cake at Vivocity for Isabella which didn't really turn out to be a surprise and finally Sakura Buffet with family on Sunday. Meeting a twitter
friend for dinner on the coming Tuesday (at last!), Ah Girl's birthday dinner on this coming Friday and farewell lunch for our Intern the following Friday. Phew that's quite a lot of list, for me at least!

Did some window-shopping earlier and we went to Kiddy Palace. There's plush toys loads of them.. Childrens' wear.. Toys.. Toys.. Toys.. It's Kiddy Palace! What do you expect to find there? Obviously everything that's related to a kiddy..! I'm so attracted to the plush toys, as usual.. And baby boys' clothing.. It's so adorable to see and touch all these small shirts, mittens, shoes and newborn's clothing..

Enough of all that. Update on what's being the current crazy thing nowadays.. It's the Oppa Gangnam!! Hahaha! I'm sure in 5 or 10 years down the road, we'll still be enjoying this funny (can I classify it as that?) music video done by Psy, a Korean celebrity. - Oppa Gangnam Style PSY

There's been a few video parodies made for this craze for Oppa Gangnam.. Come on! Even Ellen DeGeneres and Britney Spears knew about it Britney even learnt the dance steps taught by none other than Psy! Out of the few parodies, I really like the one made by a local man. It's funny and the words are catchy. - Oppa Indian Style

"Go Rex Theatre
Maybe later
Can go eat
Can go eat
Eat Briyani
With a lot of curry
Buy CD
Smoke Beedi"

P.s. How do I create links here.. Tried several times to add/create links to youtube but it simply doesn't work. The link magically disappear though I click on the Link button :(

Update: It's 2019 and I have since learnt how to embed the videos onto my post

The Oppa Indian style video is no longer available on Youtube.