Thursday, December 24, 2009

Quick Update - 24th Dec 2009 - 1805hours

It is the year end time now and officially I have been working for 6 months now.. That seem so short a period for all the new experience that I am gaining everyday.. Well, tomorrow is Christmas and two days later will be my beloved Salman's birthday.. Adding one more year to his age.. Though he will be 44, he shall always remain the handsomest guy I have ever known.. Though we have never met.. Haha.. Seems like a dream come true if ever I get the chance to meet him in person.. Will that dream ever become a reality? I doubt so..

Hmm.. Moving on to reality world, let's reflect on what 2009 has been to me..

1st - I completed my 3 year course in poly, earned a Diploma and along the way met people whom a few is my best friend now..

2nd - Completed my internship in Savills, made friends and right now, I have become a permanent staff..

3rd - I turn 21, became an adult officially.. Though I'm very much still a child at heart.. Hahaha.. Afterall, age is just a number right.. Learnt that from Hollywood.. No matter how old your age is, you are still the same person at heart.. Though there nust have been some positive changes along the way..

Right now, these 3 things are the most memorable thing for me in year 2009.. There must have been other happenings which I can't think of now.. But it sure must have added some sugar & spice in my life..

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